Membership Application
The membership fee is for 12 months from date of application
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This form is to be completed, signed and returned to the Secretary of the Tauranga Airsoft Club Incorporated. Completing this form does not guarantee membership.

By signing this form I declare that:

1. I agree to comply with the rules and policies of the Tauranga Airsoft Club Incorporated (TAC).
2. I agree to comply with the directions of the Game Event Marshals while at TAC events.
3. I agree not to act in any way so as to bring the TAC into disrepute.
4. I agree to comply with the NZ Arms Act, the Arms Regulations and The Arms Code.
5. I give my permission for my details to be logged in the TAC database for the committee to view and forward as requested.
6. I give my permission for TAC to utilise for promotional purposes any photos or videos taken at a TAC event which may contain images of me.
7. I give permission for my details to remain on file with TAC for the duration of my membership.
8. I declare that I am legally able to posess an airsoft tagger for the purpose of playing airsoft and no criminal charges that stop me from using airsoft taggers
9. I understand, confirm and accept that I have read the liability waiver on the back of this form to follow at all TAC events.

Furthermore, I understand that:

1. My membership status and benefits do not apply until my subscription has been paid in full.
2. My membership is not complete until 4 vetting games are completed and approved by committee
3. Initially I will be deemed a probationary member for 3 months and may have restrictions placed on me until I can demonstrate a suitable level of Airsoft proficiency.
4. Confirmation from Tauranga Airsoft Club must be given before any TAC Member can be on the field on a non scheduled game day/working bee/ undefined event

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